
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Two Cobblers and A Tart.

If it wasn't Thanksgiving, and my husband wasn't rubbing his belly and groaning when he said it ("two cobblers and a tart"), I would have thought he was talking about some new British comedy.

I cook, Dennis (husband) does the dishes.  Being that he had to work on Friday, it was his idea to go out (no dishes, and I can't blame him, I hate doing dishes).  And he promised me I could make sauerkraut for him this week.  And I suppose our arteries could use a year off from my stuffing

Denny found this place.  On the Greorge Mason U campus, there is a brand new hotel, and in it is a beautiful restaurant. Floor to ceiling windows looking out into the surrounding woods. Soothing, modern decor, warm in color, minimal in design. And a fantastic looking Thanksgiving menu.
Dennis was sooooo happy about the gorgeous glazed ham.
This might have been D's third plate.  He missed the biscuits on his first two passes and when he found them, they were merely a new vehicle for that ham he was lovin' on.
The spectacular Executive Chef said to us, you're not DONE, are you?? 
Only with our second plate, we said.  And we couldn't wait for those gorgeous desserts.
 Chef is also a golfer and frequenter of his local Fredricksburg, Virginia farmers' market (which I will definitely be visiting soon).  He has a great smile and table-side manner.

On my first plate I put together a nice arugula salad with a tomato pesto and some Parmesan chips.  And tablespoon size bites of stuffing, green beans, wild rice, and one goat cheese ravioli with mushrooms.
The way they served the Parmesan chips was something I had never seen before and my pic really does it no justice.  It was an entire wheel of Parmesan, cut on one side and hollowed out, used as the bowl for the chipped up pieces.  It was spectacular (and it photographed terribly, sorry).

Let's get down to business, aka, dessert.
Pecan tarts with caramel sauce.

My little prisoner, back at my table (with better lighting, thank goodness, because I have no idea how to tweak lighting and color yet).
Prisoner #2.  With whipped cream.  Dennis in the background making his way through the two cobblers and the apple tart.
I demanded he put the fork down so I could get the picture. It was a tall order, and he was not happy about slowing down. That apple tart was the most amazing thing either of us tasted all day.
Fork up, and my man is on the move on those desserts.
Huge light fixtures in the beautiful room.  They just seemed to float lightly up there.  Just beautiful.
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Yours, with gratitude for you taking the time to stop by, and hopefully enjoy,

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