
Friday, July 29, 2011

The Many Wonders of Provincetown! And Happy Weekend!

Peering over a (short) fence to a perfect spot in someone's yard: white Adirondak chairs surrounded by huge lace cap hydrangea bushes, just waiting for good friends and fresh mint iced tea..ahhh
 Had a fantastic time with my mom in Provincetown celebrating her birthday.  At least once every summer growing up my parents would pile my brothers and me into the Suburban and drive to the very tip of the Cape to the sand dunes (now mostly closed off to the public due to erosion mostly caused by the Piscitelli children in the 1970s I am sure), art galleries, shops and the fantastic characters of P-town.

Standing in the water with the sun setting to my right.  Serenity now! (and clinging to new camera so it doesn't end up swimming with the fishes.)


Mom and I still go together when we can and I still love it more every time. We take the ferry (90 minutes) from Boston Harbor right onto the dock in the center of P-town.  And we always see something new, especially the art.  New artists, sometimes new galleries, and the new work of our favorite artists who we have been following for years.  We love the nooks and crannies of the town that hide magical stores of shells and petrified puffer fish, hidden gem restaurants, and exquisite old weathered homes behind every type of hydrangea and beach rose, and the beach with the sunset over the tip of Massachusetts.
A house on a side street with birdhouse all over the side.

I LOVED The Shell Shop.  Seen all of those crafts in Martha Stewart Living August issue?  Everything you need is here!
Small part of window display for the Shell Shop.

Inside the magical Shell Shop packed to the ceiling!
Same wall, down below ... love "THE CRAB IS IN" sign over barnacles.

 Spiny blowfish, $6.95.  A veritable bargain on spiny blowfish!
View from the street down to Ten Tables restaurant.
Provincetown Public Library Historic preservation (and oncoming storm).
Over the weekend:  the charaters of P-town!
Hi, Mom, and hi Jess!  Tell me how your grilled zucchini comes out!


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